How to Make Wooden Candle Holders Out of Scrap Wood

Candles are the trendy lighting technique that is always in vogue. In fact, they have become more in demand nowadays because of their rustic charm. Furthermore, you can use them on almost all occasions; be it a wedding, night parties, birthdays, or any other function, to raise the “oomph” factor of the event. In fact, you can use candles anywhere in your home or garden to beautify the area as well as to light up the mood with its picturesque and warm touch.

Even though candles can give a magical ambiance, it is still incomplete without a beautiful candleholder. Having said that, it is always better to use wooden candleholders to add to the appeal, as they are elegant as well as eco-friendly. You can use even the tiniest of wooden pieces for this. Below are some methods to make beautiful wooden candleholders out of scrap wood.

Materials Required

Scrap Wood 

Try to use wooden pieces of smaller size and use at least three or more colors to make them even better.

Wood Glue  

Hot glue or super glue cannot be used here; buy wood glue from a wood crafts supplies store before you start.


Try to avoid power driven saw if you dont know how to use them. You can use the manual saw like a jigsaw, band saw, table saw, or even a fret saw. Make sure that the blade is sharp.

Power Drill

This is used to dig holes in the wood to put your candles. Usually, a 40 mm hole is made for a tea candle.

Sand Block

Those who find it hard to get sand block can use some wooden pieces instead.</li>

Sand Paper

Two types of sandpapers are required here, one with smaller grits like 100 or 200 grits, and the other with about 300 grits.

Pen and Scale

Clear Coat


After you have all the said materials ready, you can make your candleholder in just five simple steps as described below.

Plan the size 

First, you have to decide the size of candleholder you need and mark the dimensions on the wooden piece using the pen and scale.

Cutting and Sticking 

Next step is to cut the wood according to the dimensions and glue them together. Try to put them properly based on colors and grains to give a better look.

Sanding Use your sanding block and sanding paper to give your holder a smooth finish.

Drilling  Drill the wood and make large holes with a flat bottom according to the size of candles that you want to use.


Use your paintbrush and paint the candleholder with the top coat. You can apply more than two top coats for better perfection. When done, let it dry for at least a couple of hours.

Thats it  your wood craft is ready! You can simply use your elegant candleholder at the dining table or atop the fireplace as per your liking.

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